Strategies for Growth
I'm a founding partner at Jacobi & Jacobi, a consulting firm specializing in strategic online marketing. With a strong network of professionals, we develop interdisciplinary strategies for online marketing disciplins, SEO, social media, content marketing, paid advertising and more.
My goal is always to find the perfect mix by blending technical communication with advertising and brand strategy. I love crunching numbers and solving puzzles to help businesses thrive.
Most of my work spans Europe and the US. I'm passionate about online marketing and always experimenting with innovative ways to optimize campaigns. Hands on.
When I'm not working, I'm hiking or chasing my dogs Tyson and Arthos through the woods. If you need help with your marketing-, brand- and product strategy or just want to chat, feel free to reach out via email.
🤟 I also sign ASL – happy to help my deaf, HOH, and CODA friends anytime!